Zoom Extents Mystery

by Alan
(Ft Worth, TX)

I have a 2d drawing in model space, and when I hit Zoom Extents, everything disappears,
as if the entities all changed to background color.

The only way to fix it is to undo. It will not print Extents either. Display will print.
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Nov 11, 2011
Zoom Help
by: CADbyRock

Well, you can do a couple of things. 1. Zoom extents, type SELECT ALL , stop there and see if you can grips of the selected entities. If yes, continue and finish the command by hitting , Now ERASE P for previous, then type R for remove and select what you wanna keep. This will get rid of any floating entities out in space.

Your other option is to WBLOCK out COPYCLIP what you wanna keep and INSERT or PASTE into new drawing.

Nov 14, 2011
items far away
by: Sarah Mc

Hello, you have items that are so far from the general area of your drawing that when you do zoom extents it appears that everything in the drawing is gone. try panning once you do zoom extents and then do a cross window in an area of drawing to see if anything is selected. or just try and look for a dot.

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