Non-Coplanar Lines

When trying to fillet some lines in a drawing, I keep getting the response in the command line " lines are non-coplanar".

I also tried new lines from pick points and redrew.

Still would not fillet and got same response.

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Feb 07, 2015
Different Z Coordinates
by: Joe

Yea that can be frustrating. It is because your lines have different Z co-ordinate values, i.e. the elevation of the lines or line endpoints are at different locations, so they don't fillet in the X-Y plane.

I use the "Flatten" command to get rid of all the Z values and set them to 0. Then fillet works great.

Just an FYI, sometimes the flatten command gave me unexpected results, so keep an eye on your plan after you run flatten.

Hope this helps!

Jun 12, 2015
Fillet command not working
by: Kaleem

Non-Coplanar means not lies in X-Y direction.
So, select all lines go to properties check whether Z-axis is set to 0 or not, not set to 0 it shows "Varies" both in X-Y direction Z-axis. Then set to 0 . Then fillet command works

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