Missing Blocks in Drawing

by Shelly
(New Mexico)

I received a drawing from our contractor and proceeded to open the drawing on AutoCAD 2009 and as I opened the drawing several items were missing.

So I contacted the contractor and he assured me that the items I was missing was showing on his screen.

So I forward the e-mail to my coworker and the items that I was missing were showing up on his computer.

So I thought I'd have the IT department come in and repair my computer. They tried and told me that everything was installed correctly.

I had to re-insert the drawing block and it came back into my drawing but when I had my coworker look at it again he said I was showing double blocks in the drawing.

This is getting ridiculous and I am looking for help. Autodesk support suggested several ideas but nothing seems to work.

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Sep 29, 2011
More Info Please
by: Joe

I think more info is needed to troubleshoot this.

What ideas did Autodesk support give you to try?

Do you get any type of proxy object message when opening the drawing?

Are there any External Reference files involved?

Is your co-worker using the EXACT AutoCAD version that is installed on your computer?

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