The benefits of using firewood shed plans, to build a shelter for fire wood, far exceeds leaving your kindle unprotected.
Some simple types of firewood sheds to build are lean to sheds.
The cost of building a lean to shed is very reasonable, considering the cost of the wood you bought and any time spent chopping and stacking your wood.
Using staggered horizontal boards for the horizontal framing will help keep the rain out and also provides for ventilation between the slots.
Using pressure treated wooden 4" x 4" posts can be used for the basic framing and plywood and corrugated fiberglass can be used as the lean to roof.
If you are interested in a fancier firewood storage sheds be sure to check out these free firewood shed plans.
All shed framing instructions are included, as well as materials needed to build the shed.
The shed framing, slats, roof, doors, fasteners, shed floor framing plan, roof framing plan, building section, door elevation, corner post detail, front, rear and side elevations, are also included.
Image: DIY Firewood Shed
Below is a great how to video showing you the steps needed to build your own firewood storage shed:
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