Automobile Body CAD Design

by b
(Hawaii, U.S.A)


I would like to find a CAD program that will allow me to 3D CAD design a rear quarter panel Scoop / duct-work for my 8 series BMW.

My intention is to provide the program to a manufacturer.

Mahalo, b

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Nov 25, 2010
Car Design Software
by: Joseph

I would suggest you check out the free CAD programs here.

Many of these programs have 3D drawing capabilities, and can help you design a car or the modifications you are looking to customize.

Most of the programs are trials, but this way you can play with the CAD software and get a feel for which one would be right for your CAR design needs, before making a purchase.

One of the programs that you may want to check out on the above link, is Google Sketchup.

It is fairly easy to use and is completely free.

Nov 25, 2010
Designing Your Own Car
by: RJ - ADMIN.

Your question prompted us to write an article on Car Design Software, specifically addressing the issue of whether you can currently design your own car online.

Jan 04, 2011
Try Rhino
by: Anonymous

Take a look at Rhino. This is a great free form 3D modeling program.

The 2D documentation side is not near what AutoCAD can do, but if you are only trying to do some reverse engineering and create a class A surface it can get the job done.

The real big boys use Imageware surfacer (Part of NX now) and one other software (forget the other surfacing software), but both of thoes are 30 grand a seat.

Rhino is under 1 Grand per seat, and works well. In general you need Nurbs to get car body stuff done.

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