Automatic Text Numbering in AutoCAD

by Jeff Weber
(Vincennes, Indiana, USA)

AutoCAD EXPRESS Tools Tip - Automatic Text Numbering

AutoCAD EXPRESS Tools Tip - Automatic Text Numbering

We have all been nearly finished with a floor plan only to find out that we have missed a door number or a room number.

Automatic Text Numbering is an EXPRESS tool that I found and has saved me a lot of time.

As indicated this command is found on the Express pull down menu.

After you have initiated the command the first thing you will need to do is select the number you want to change IN THE ORDER YOU WANT THEM NUMBERED. (I will use room numbers for this example.)

After you have selected all your text then hit enter.

Next you will have to select the order you ACAD to number them.

I always hit enter here as I have already picked them in the correct order.

Then you need to tell ACAD what number to start with and what increment to increase by.

For this example I changed 100's to 900's and increased by an increment if 1.

You could start anywhere and count by any increment.

Hit enter here and the tell it how you want the number displayed.

Typically I use OVERWRITE here but I have used the other option too.

Hit enter and your text is renumbered.

This is another command that has several options and variables that are fun to explore and see what it can do.

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May 24, 2010

Great tip for those that don't know about this one.

The command line for it is TCOUNT.

I use this one all the time as I am the one in the office that has pretty much been designated as "room number guy" LOL. Boring job numbering rooms on architectural floor plans, but someone has to do it!

I think there are also "prefix" and "suffix" options available with the TCOUNT command, but I've never had to use them.


Nov 09, 2010
by: Anonymous

fully appreciate it!

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