AutoCAD Scale Mix Up


I'm in a bit of a bind and am wondering if you could help!

It has been quite a while since I did AutoCAD drawings (couple of years) and cannot remember how to fix this issue that I have.

I was sent a AutoCAD file from a Belgian architect. They work in vectorworks and had to resend the file a couple of times to me in different formats before we found one that opens for me (I use autocad 2006)....

However, once I open the dwg file, I have realized that the floor-plans & elevations previously drawn are not at the correct scale that the rest of the drawing is set at in modelspace or paperspace.....

I copied a block from one of my previous swg drawings into the new file but the items are appearing much bigger in the block than the original drawing lines which should not be the case as the orig is a floorplan and the block I copied in is a furniture block... any help you can give me I would REALLY appreciate as I'm under pressure to get this fixed so I can proceed with getting new layouts done..

Many thanks


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Jan 25, 2013
you may have to scale the new file...
by: jhebert

Find a known distance, measure it using dimension command or just measure command. Once you have the 2 numbers, divide the smaller by the larger and you will have the reduction scale by which you need to scale the large item down by. I would try using 0,0 as the base point for the first try. Hope this helps. .j.

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