AutoCAD - Border Poly or bpoly command

by Avinash Ketkar

Create a closed polyline in AutoCAD with Border Poly or the bpoly command

Create a closed polyline in AutoCAD with Border Poly or the bpoly command

If you have several segments with overshoots as shown in the image attached and you want to clear the overshoots and make a closed polygon, you will probably use "trim" command.

There is an alternative way to do this faster.

Use the bpoly command.

After using this command, a dialog box opens and you have to pick a point inside the closed area.

Please note that this works only for "closed" areas.

A polygon is formed at the boundary of closed area.

You can now erase the original entities and use the closed polygon thus formed.

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Oct 16, 2010
by: Joe

Thanks, I didn't know. Very helpful

Jun 22, 2011
by: Mark

As with so many of these tips, I have vague memories of having read that somewhere, sometime, long ago, but apparently I forgot it soon thereafter.

Thanks for the reminder!

May 19, 2017
by: Debalance

Great post! But unfortunately BPOLY is not fastest method of creating boundary polyline in AutoCAD. There is more powerful and effective free utility called SuperBoundary. It easily works with complex drawings and allows analyzing and generating thousands of boundaries in seconds.

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