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Etransmit and Using Images
December 15, 2009

The CAD Times

An AutoCAD Newsletter for CAD Users

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The CAD Times

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Using AutoCAD's Etransmit Command

AutoCAD's Etransmit command is a great tool for keeping your outgoing files organized. I think we can all agree that outsourcing work is... Click here to read more about AutoCAD's Etransmit Command.

Attaching Images in AutoCAD

Whether you are trying to show an existing condition or you need to convert a hard copy drawing into an actual drawing file, attaching Image files in your AutoCAD drawing can be very useful. Here is how it is done... Click here to read more about Attaching Images in AutoCAD.

Using Images in AutoCAD

Well now that you have an image attached what do you do with it? Once I have the image attached, I use the information provided to me by the client... Click here to read more about Using Images in AutoCAD.

AutoCAD Questions and Answers Section

We are going to start including your recent AutoCAD questions, along with answers, every month in our newsletter.

Click here if you would like to ask a general AutoCAD related question or if you would like to read the entire Q&A section.

Feel free to post up your comments if you know any of the answers.

How to get started as a CAD Operator

Q. This is not a technical question, but more of a professional question. I'm looking at changing careers and getting in something I love to do, drawing/drafting and design. I've looked at many training sites and online universities...

A. Click here to read the answer to how to get started as a CAD operator.

We hope you found this months newsletter helpful!

You can read "The CAD Times" back issues here.

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